Once you have timesheets loaded to NXSYS and they have been approved by the Agency (if applicable), you are ready to run a Draft Payroll. From your Dashboard, select the Draft Payroll icon to bring up the view below.
Here you can see a list of all tax periods with payroll waiting to be processed. If you have loaded multiple tax weeks for the same worker(s), you must process the earliest tax period in order. Once you have selected the tax period you will be presented with the window below.
Now, you can either select all payroll and process as draft or you can use the filters to select only a particular Payment Company, Agency or Payment Methods to display a list of workers to be processed. Next, you can select which workers to process and then click Generate Draft which will now process a Draft Payroll Summary Report with a line for each worker.
Note: When draft payroll has been generated, you may view the draft payroll summary report from the Reports tab > Payroll > Draft Payment Summary.
If you encounter an errors when attempting to generate Draft Payroll, you may now
Edit Timesheets directly from the Draft Payroll window
Once you are happy with the Draft Payroll, go back to your dashboard and you’ll notice the timesheet has moved to both Confirm Payroll and
Pending Invoice Generation.