Nxsys Umbrella supports two Holiday Pay methods
In the Advanced calculation, Nxsys will calculate Holiday Pay for that tax period and pay it out to the worker in the same tax period
In the Retained calculation, Nxsys will calculate Holiday Pay for that that tax period but will not pay it out to the worker in the same tax period instead it will create a Holiday Pay Pot where these amounts are stored and will be paid to the worker at a later date
There are three main settings when setting up Holiday Pay
To enable Holiday Pay calculation for your payment model follow the below steps
If this setting is set to YES, when Holiday Pay is set to retained for an umbrella worker, Nxsys will automatically calculate the associated employment cost at the time of retaining Holiday Pay and will automatically pay out the relevant employment costs when this Holiday Pay is eventually paid out
If this setting is set to NO, when Holiday Pay is set to retained for an umbrella worker, Nxsys will not automatically calculate the associated employment cost at the time or retaining Holiday Pay instead the employment costs will be calculated and paid when this Holiday Pay is eventually paid out
When you enable Holiday Pay for PAYE, you will notice another setting "Included in timesheet rate". Select the option most relevant to you