The dashboard is your single and most important area within Nxsys. All your weekly processes can be performed from the Nxsys Dashboard using our quick access tiles as shown below.
This article summarises the functions of each of the tiles
RTI Filings
This is a list of all the filings for your company(ies). You can click on any of these filing tiles and select the relevant tax period to see pending submissions.

Note: Nxsys automatically submits FPS and EPS. These are submitted every week on Friday at 18:00. However, you can manually submit it at anytime before that if needed from the dashboard. Only CIS300 is not submitted automatically at the minute
- Pending Agency Approval --> This is a list of all timesheets across all periods that have been imported by you or submitted by your employee or subcontractors that need Agency Approval. You as a company admin can override this and can approve the timesheets on behalf of the agency
- Generate Draft Payroll --> This is a list of all timesheets created in the system that have not had their payroll run.
- Confirm Payroll --> This is a list of all timesheets created in the system that have had their draft payroll generated but not confirmed
Pending Invoice Generation --> This is a list of all timesheets that have had their draft payroll run & confirmed but have not had an invoice raised for them.

Note: Raising an invoice is not mandatory. This is controlled at each Payment Rate setting
- Errors --> This is a list of all timesheets that have errors and could not be processed in payroll.
- Import --> This will redirect you to the Import Timesheet section where you can import a CSV file for all your timesheets
- The three dots --> A quick access toolbar to (Add statutory payment, add payments, add deductions and add holiday pay)
- Outstanding Invoices --> This is a list of all the invoices you have raised in the system that have not yet been marked as Paid
- Paid Invoices --> This is a list of all the invoices that have been marked as paid in the current tax period
- Credit Note --> This is a list of all the credit notes raised in the current tax period
Once you add expense or your employees submit expenses via their app, it will list here for you to Approve/Reject before they get picked up for Payroll.
- Approve Expenses --> Single/Bulk approve expenses from the list you see
- Reject Expenses --> Single/Bulk reject expenses from the list you see. If you reject an expense(s) you need to specify a reason for rejection

Note: Once expenses are approved/rejected the employee will receive a push notification on their app letting them know the status (approved or rejected)
On Hold with Timesheets
- Pending Invoice Generation --> A list of all the workers who are on hold and draft payroll generated and confirmed but are pending an invoice to be raised
- Pending Employee & Subcontractor Payment --> A list of all the workers who are on hold and draft payroll generated and confirmed but are pending to be paid. These workers will not show in the "View Payment File" tile until they are taken off hold.

Note: Workers on hold will also show in Red (eg below) across the system so they are easily identifiable

- View Payment File --> View and download a bank file for your employees & subcontractors. Only the bank formats selected at the company level will show here. If you are looking for a bank file format and you don't see it in the list, make sure you check the company settings --> Bank Accounts to confirm it is added there
- Confirm Payments --> Once payments are made to employees Confirm Payments in the system. This treats the payroll as being completed and will queue the workers to be submitted for RTI
Employee & Subcontractors
- Total --> The total count of all Employee & Subcontractor records in Nxsys
- Pending Registration --> The total count of all Employee & Subcontractor records that do not have a status of "Registration Complete"
- On Hold --> The total count of all Employee & Subcontractor records that are On Hold
Pension Contributions
A list of all the pension errors for pension data that could not be submitted
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